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Everyone has their own motherhood story, and for that reason it is yours to own and share.


In this vulnerable time of your life, know that you don't have to travel through it alone.

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Maxine Eiland, certified preconception, pregnancy and postpartum fitness and wellness instructor.

Divine Mama Strength was born from first hand experience.

Getting pregnant was super exciting and super overwhelming all at once, but I knew that staying fit during my pregnancy was something I needed to prioritize in order to have some semblance of control over what was happening to my body. But the further I progressed through my pregnancy, the more I realized how little support was out there for women during this phase of their life, and how little we talk about it. 

Pregnant woman and toddler at gym

After my son was born, it became even more abundantly clear how little women’s postpartum care there is. I had just had a major abdominal surgery, and there was no physical therapy program in Austin to support my recovery!? I set out to learn as much as I could as quickly as I could, and going into my second pregnancy I felt much more in tune with my body and its needs.


After 20 years of success in corporate America, I made the decision to create Divine Mama Strength, with the mission of supporting women and their bodies as they transition through the motherhood journey from preconception, pregnancy and postpartum. No one tells you how hard it is, and how much you need other women and their support during this journey. I’d like to change that.

Qualified coaching and expertise.

I am BIRTHFIT certified, the fitness and wellness industry's most comprehensive and trusted preconception, prenatal, and postpartum coaching certification. In addition to BIRTHFIT, I am an L1 CrossFit coach, YogaFit Level 1 instructor and a nutrition coach. I am a passionate mama of 2 and an avid CrossFitter of 13 years. 

Birthfit endorsed coach
CrossFit L1 Trainer Badge

Let's continue on this motherhood journey together.

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