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They don’t say "strong like a mama" for nothing.

Pregnant woman on bike with coach

Motherhood is special, and your training should be too.


Create the most optimal environment for conception. 

Getting your body prepared for conception is no easy feat, and there are numerous things that can make it challenging. But your physical and emotional well being are two areas we can work together on to make sure you are creating the best possible environment for conception. From the workout novice to the veteran, we will discuss your fertility journey, history, and any challenges you may be having to create a plan that strengthens you both physically and emotionally so when your pregnancy phase begins you will have the right foundation. These sessions will also touch on mindset, nutrition and stressors that may be affecting your preconception.  



Be fit and healthy as you grow your baby.

“Rest” and “don’t start any new workout routines” are two of the most common pieces of advice a new pregnant mama receives. As much as you do need to rest and not overdo it, being stagnant and inactive is the worst thing you can do during pregnancy, for both your body and your mind.  Your body is changing and growing a tiny human (or humans), and staying active has proven to be beneficial not only during pregnancy but for postpartum recovery. If you don't have a regular workout routine going into pregnancy, that’s ok. We can establish your fitness baseline and build upon it. These sessions will also touch on mindset, nutrition and stressors that may be affecting your pregnancy.  



Prepare your body for a safe recovery and feel like you again.

The goal for your postpartum phase is to get you back into your normal workout routine and classes. Whether you are a runner, yogi, crossfitter or a mix of regiments, I want you to feel confident stepping back into it.  The recommendation that women shouldn’t lift over 10 lbs postpartum is a bit outdated. In reality your baby alone may be 10lbs (my daughter was just shy of this), plus add on the carseat, diaper bag, your personal items, and you’re looking at well over that. Picking up fallen pacifiers and burp cloths while juggling a newborn, or even picking up your other child requires you to have strength to do so from the get go, and in a way that prevents any extra back pain or overextension. It’s easy to want to jump back into your workouts, but there is a natural progression that needs to happen to ensure you don’t cause long term issues with things like your pelvic floor. These sessions will also touch on mindset, nutrition and stressors that may be affecting your postpartum recovery.


What is Birthfit?

As a BIRTHFIT Coach I follow the four pillars of fitness, nutrition, mindset, and connection. Birthfit provides fitness programs for preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum to cultivate connection and enhance awareness in a woman’s body through safe, intentional movement.  Learn more about BIRTHFIT →

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